Our 23-acre campus is located in the heart of downtown Milwaukee in the safe and vibrant East Town neighborhood. 距离美丽的密歇根湖只有几个街区, 剧院区, 博物馆, 体育及音乐场地, 公园和购物, MSOE students enjoy all of the excitement and opportunity of the city with a close-knit community feel.


  • 30个季节性节日
  • 17个博物馆
  • 25日上映
  • 100多英里的步道可供步行、骑自行车和骑自行车

思考未来? 密尔沃基是工业领袖的中心, health care and business - so internships and future career opportunities are always within reach.


在亲自访问之前,探索MSOE的校园. 使用我们的互动地图参观我们的建筑, see our athletic facilities and check out the Milwaukee neighborhoods that we call home!


了解MSOE! Our virtual tours of campus will take you to the spots that you'll become familiar with during your time as a Raider. 位于密尔沃基市中心的中心, MSOE is perfectly situation just blocks from Lake Michigan, 娱乐区等等.